St Joseph's, Aberdeen Collaboration Space
Published 12/12/2024
Fostering progressive learning opportunities and enriching the daily experiences of the entire College community. St Joseph’s Catholic College, Aberdeen has pro…
Published 12/12/2024
Fostering progressive learning opportunities and enriching the daily experiences of the entire College community. St Joseph’s Catholic College, Aberdeen has pro…
Published 11/11/2024
ASPIRE have received 7 nominations for the 2024 City of Newcastle Drama Association (CONDA) awards. Established in 1979 to recognise excellence in theatrical pr…
Published 29/10/2024
Decorate Your Space invited our Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle communities—including Catholic Schools, St Nicholas, CatholicCare, and Parishes — to decorate a sp…
Published 11/10/2024
Nominations are now open for the annual EMMAUS Awards. The EMMAUS Awards recognise the contribution of our staff in schools, celebrating the achievement of exce…
Published 12/09/2024
Please find following announcement from the Catholic Schools Office. After four years with the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, Mr Steve Lemos has announced he wi…
Published 22/08/2024
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss Book Week is a tradition that dates back…
Published 12/08/2024
Decorate Your Space invites our communities—including Catholic Schools, St Nicholas, CatholicCare, and Parishes—to decorate a space in a way that uniquely refle…
Published 6/08/2024
ASPIRE students from Catholic Schools across the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle hit the stage running as they performed their 13th production, ‘Disconnected’ at…
Published 5/08/2024
National Student Volunteer Week acknowledges and celebrates student volunteers, aiming to promote volunteering to students and young people across Australia. St…